

Once upon a time, there was a very smart young monk, he traveled to a lot of countries, and he was required to collect the seal from each country by his master. One day, he came to a new country which named Phoenix City. He went to the palace because he wanted to get the seal from the emperor. To his surprise, the king did not hope give monk seals so easily, so the king gave monk two difficulty questions, if the monk can not answer each question, he will be punished by the king to stay here be a slave forever, but if he answer all of these questions correctly, the king will build a statue for him. Monk agrees with this condition.

The king asked a slave to bring an elephant come inside and ask monk:” tell me its weight." Monk said is easy, than he took the elephant to the boat on the river, he used the rule to measure how deep the boat sank into the river. After that, he used the coins to instead of the elephant make the boat sank in the same position as before. Monk asked two slaves to take the coins out of the boat and use steelyard to get each coin’s weight and add the number together. So he got the elephant's weight.

The king was surprised of monk's result. He gave another question that was:” there are one hunter, one wolf, one man, one woman, two jars and two trophies on the island, how could you use one boat to carry them to arrive to other side?" The boat can only carry two items on it, and only hunter, man and woman know how to paddle the boat. Only woman and man stay together the woman can not broke the jars and the man can not steal the trophies, the very important part is if the wolf only stay without hunter, it will broke or eat all the other things. Monk thought a while, than said:" 1. Hunter carries wolf to another side and leaves wolf there, after that hunter goes back; 2. Hunter carries one jar to another side, and drops the jar, after that carries the wolf back to the island. 3. Man carries another jar to another side, drops it, than goes back; 4. Man carries woman to another side, man leaves there and woman comes back to the island; 5. Hunter carries wolf to another side, both of them leave there and man comes back; 6.Man carries woman to another side, man leaves there and woman comes back to the island; 7. Woman carries one trophy to another side, both of them leave on there, hunter and wolf come back; 8. Hunter carries another trophy to another side, drops it, then come back; 9. Hunter carries wolf to another side."

The king can not believe that because no one can answer this question in his country. "Well done, young monk, you are amazing." the king said. “I will keep my promise and also this is my cloak, I give this as a gift to you, my hero, I want to see you again. " Young monk took a seed out of his pocket and gave that to the king said: "Keep this seed, when this seed come out to become a flower, which is the time I will come back.”

