

My hometown and Saint Cloud Outline

My hometown and Saint Cloud Outline

Topic: Comparing my hometown and St. Cloud

Intro: This is my Third year living in St. Cloud. Before I lived here; I lived in my hometown, Urumqi, in the northwest of China. Both of those two places are very familiar to me. Now I want to compare my hometown and St. Cloud, because those two places have many differences and similarities. I will talk about that from three parts: food, weather and holidays.


I. Food
a. similarity food, fast food
b. BBQ
c. taste

II. Weather
a. My hometown and St. Cloud’s climate are almost similar.
b. What can we do in each season?

III. Holidays
a. Saint Cloud’s two biggest holidays: Christmas and Thanksgiving
b. My hometown’s two biggest holidays: the Spring Festival and the Moon Festival

Conclusion: In conclusion, my hometown and St. Cloud are two different cities, some parts are similar, and some parts are different. No matter they are similar or different; I enjoy my life in both cities. My hometown and St. Cloud’s food, weather and holiday make me life more colorful.

Interview 3 score


Top Three
1. Martha

2. Tim



Intereview 3

This interview is my third interview; it is also my last interview. I was made in the Shoemaker Hall at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, Nov 22nd. For preparing this interview, I have researched some sorts of information on the website, like some useful methods of doing a successful interview, what a country of Brazil likes, and write several questions which should be asked during the interview. I believe that after two times of interview, I have already accumulated much experience, and also found that I still have much disadvantage that I need to change, my English pronouncement still need to improve. After practicing the interview with some of my friends, I make an appointment with Kevin, one of my best friends from Brazil. We are all familiar with each other, so I want to choice him to become my last interviewee. I print my question list and give him one of them before the interview. I hope this interview will be much better than the first two interviews.

This time, I decide to change interviewee from another country. Brazil is one of the best choices, because I like this country, the people in this country is nice enough and active enough, and also the soccer game in Brazil is my biggest reason to choose Brazil, I like Brazil national team so much, there are many super star come from there. The questions of my third interview is almost the same as the second one, I ask him something about why he choice to study in America, his family, the religion in Brazil and the essential festival and food in Brazil. This time, I didn’t feel any nervous any more, I feel relax asking the questions of my interview, because I have already practice the interview for a long time. I believe that this interview is real better than my first one and my second one. My experiences of the first two interviews help me finish it very well. I think I really receive a lot after three times of interviews, next time, if I have chance, I will interview different people from different countries, because it is beneficial for me.

Country Report:

Location: Eastern South America bordering Argentina 1,224 km, Bolivia 3,400 km, Colombia 1,643 km, French Guiana 673 km, Guyana 1,119 km, Paraguay 1,290 km, Peru 1,560 km, Suriname 597 km, Uruguay 985 km, Venezuela 2,200 km
Capital: Brazilia
Climate: mostly tropical, but temperate in south
Population: 184,101,109
Ethnic Make-up: white (includes Portuguese, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish) 55%, mixed white and black 38%, black 6%, other (includes Japanese, Arab, Amerindian) 1%
Religions: Roman Catholic (nominal) 80%
Government: federative republic

Race and people in Brazil:
Brazil is a mixture of races and ethnicities, many original Portuguese settlers’ married native women, and then they create a new race, the name of the new race is “mestizos”. The family of Brazil is very large, and the extended family is quite close. The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family. Nepotism is considered a positive thing, since it implied that employing people one knows and trusts is of primary importance.
Food in Brazil:
The Portuguese arrived in Brazil in 1500 and brought their tastes and styles of cooking with them. They brought sugar, citrus fruits, and many sweets that are still used for desserts and holidays. The Brazilian “sweet tooth” was developed through the influence of the Europeans. Brazilians us many eggs, fruits, spices, and sugar to make sweet treats, such as ambrosia. They use savory seasonings such s parsley and garlic.

Brazil Scenery:
Brazil is best known for its incredible beaches, world-class surfing and vibrant nightlife, Florianopolis is also blessed with natural beauty and scenery which words alone cannot describe. Florianopolis nature includes tremendously varied topography such as stunning coastlines, powerful waterfalls, expansive sand dunes, large lagoons, deep and winging forests, guarded coves and natural tide pools.

Brazil Soccer:

The history of soccer in Brazil really starts in 1930, when they participated in the first World Cup and despite being knocked out in the first stages, the media coverage of the World Cup brought soccer in the light and in the eyes of every young Brazilian. Now, almost all the young people in Brazil like to play soccer, soccer is their favorite sports. And the Brazil national soccer team is also one of the strongest teams in the world.

Works cited



Interview 2 Score


Top Three

1. Hanquan C.

2. Martha

3.Puspak S


Global Communication Outline
Topic: What is global communication and how has it promoted the globalization witnessed in the past ten years?

Intro: Nowadays, global communication has promoted globalization in the past ten years. In my view, global communication is type of talk and symbiosis between different countries. Global communication is the process of transmitting and receiving on a world-wide scale, and has promoted the globalization on economic, technical and education

Thesis Statement: Global communication is the process of transmitting and receiving on a world-wide scale, and has promoted the globalization on economic, technical and education.


I. Tecnical- Internet
a. News
c.Movie & music

II. Economic
foreign company makes people know each other

III. Education
a. In ancient century of China, there already have people go aborad to study
b. More and more tansfer student go aborad

Conclusion: In conclusion, global communication has promoted globalization in the past ten years increasingly fast. More and more people know each other that they come from different countries. Because of technical, economic and education develop more and more fast, which would make our world more and more small.

Glabol Communication



Course Guides

Group 3:
Jena Schnettler
Xiang Ren
Zhen Gu
Eid Alotaibi

How to use Course Guides

Search a course

  • Example: ETHS 215: Intro To Asian American Studies

  • Department Letter: E

  • Key words: AsainDepartment: ETHS

  • Professor:

Why Use Course Guides?

  • Obtain helpful resourses spacific to the course you are taking

  • It will link you to useful websites, articals, and imigase

  • Suggests books magazines and news papers

  • Research assistance

  • Background information

Other benefits

  • Students will get an overview of the course

  • They will understant expectations of the course

  • Organize work loads over the duration of the course

  • Help citing your sources and creating biboliography


Interview Questions

Where are you come from?

What do you often to eat in your country?

What's your country's traditional food?

What's your country's different from American?

Could you talk about your country's education system?

What's your hobbies?

What do you often to do?

Could you talk about your country's hoilday?

Could you talk about your country's history?

At what age do children get married?

What's your major?

Do you country allow children work when he is studying?

Why did you come to U.S?

Do your country have any religions? What's that?

How old are you?

How big is your family?

Why did you choose to come here, St. Cloud University?

Is this your first time to leave away your country?

What is your goal when you guaduate from here?


LEO topic selection

I'm choosing My native language is not English as my LEO topic. I am a Chinese, so English is my second language. When I using English, I always find English's grammar is different from chines, such as times. There are many tenses in English, past, present, future. So I want to know all of times and master them.

Write place

Today I went to the Write Place in our school, it at B51 Building. When I got there, I found there were a lot of students were accepting help. I asked one server how I can get help for my essay. He Said you need make an appointment first. Now I know how to use write place to help my essay.



Once upon a time, there was a very smart young monk, he traveled to a lot of countries, and he was required to collect the seal from each country by his master. One day, he came to a new country which named Phoenix City. He went to the palace because he wanted to get the seal from the emperor. To his surprise, the king did not hope give monk seals so easily, so the king gave monk two difficulty questions, if the monk can not answer each question, he will be punished by the king to stay here be a slave forever, but if he answer all of these questions correctly, the king will build a statue for him. Monk agrees with this condition.

The king asked a slave to bring an elephant come inside and ask monk:” tell me its weight." Monk said is easy, than he took the elephant to the boat on the river, he used the rule to measure how deep the boat sank into the river. After that, he used the coins to instead of the elephant make the boat sank in the same position as before. Monk asked two slaves to take the coins out of the boat and use steelyard to get each coin’s weight and add the number together. So he got the elephant's weight.

The king was surprised of monk's result. He gave another question that was:” there are one hunter, one wolf, one man, one woman, two jars and two trophies on the island, how could you use one boat to carry them to arrive to other side?" The boat can only carry two items on it, and only hunter, man and woman know how to paddle the boat. Only woman and man stay together the woman can not broke the jars and the man can not steal the trophies, the very important part is if the wolf only stay without hunter, it will broke or eat all the other things. Monk thought a while, than said:" 1. Hunter carries wolf to another side and leaves wolf there, after that hunter goes back; 2. Hunter carries one jar to another side, and drops the jar, after that carries the wolf back to the island. 3. Man carries another jar to another side, drops it, than goes back; 4. Man carries woman to another side, man leaves there and woman comes back to the island; 5. Hunter carries wolf to another side, both of them leave there and man comes back; 6.Man carries woman to another side, man leaves there and woman comes back to the island; 7. Woman carries one trophy to another side, both of them leave on there, hunter and wolf come back; 8. Hunter carries another trophy to another side, drops it, then come back; 9. Hunter carries wolf to another side."

The king can not believe that because no one can answer this question in his country. "Well done, young monk, you are amazing." the king said. “I will keep my promise and also this is my cloak, I give this as a gift to you, my hero, I want to see you again. " Young monk took a seed out of his pocket and gave that to the king said: "Keep this seed, when this seed come out to become a flower, which is the time I will come back.”



7.wallet or pocket